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蚊子叮咬不是小事 登革熱症狀不輕忽 就醫通報不延誤Mosquito bite is not a piece of cake, please notice the symptoms of Dengue Fever

發布日期 2019-10-24 15:17:00






總務處環安暨保管組 關心您~



Dear Colleagues,


Dengue Fever is still active in Taiwan and Southeast Asia(Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and Philippine),please notice the symptoms of Dengue Fever and the prevention, beside the actions of clean the water containers, please also notice to use DEET mosquito repellent or wear long sleeve clothes for outdoor activities.


If there are symptoms such as: High Fever, Headache, pain behind the eyes, Nausea, Muscle soreness, Joint pain, skin rash, loss of appetite, please seek for medical service immediately. Taiwan CDC has placed the NS1 screen in medical institutions for the Dengue Fever screening. Please stay at home if illness, your healthy is our best wish. Thank you.


Office of General Affairs.

24th October 2019